Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rapidly Approaching

Well with election day behind us and although the turnout was not the one that I had hoped for. I still find great satisfaction in the fact that for my first time on the ballot in Comanche I did not lose by that much. I was proud of myself for taking a chance like that and putting myself out there and I thank everyone for their support!! For, I do not think that this will be the last time that I am on a ballot. But, who knows. Now, I am focused on the store and on my school work which if Midwestern can get their online program to work it will be a lot easier. I have tried to take a test three times and it remains locked for no apparent reason. The store on the other hand is coming along quite nicely. Well I say that but the work is hard and I have had the crap that is going around so every other breath is a cough. So that makes things that much more difficult when you are coughing up your lungs. The building is coming along it looks like Iraq right now but that is to be expected with any renovation. I am excited and also nervous at the same time. I find myself having issues with sleep fearing that I will make a wrong decision. God only knows that I have made enough of those in my life and I am tired of hearing about my mistakes but, such is life. For every action there is an opposite criticism. I read on a sign once and it is true. Lord knows that I am trying to create something that everyone will enjoy and I am blessed to have help from my family because I can not redo a building by myself but, there are somethings that I struggle with when it comes to any creative decision made by others. You know I try and go with the flow and yes this will be a store unlike any ever seen in Comanche but, getting it to that point will either kill me or make me one hell of a business man. For, lord knows that I like to spend money. I hate mess and disorder and I have add. Add that in with some other factors mix it all together and you have a cocktail of the Griswold's version of Extreme Home Makeover. I find myself asking God for inner strength and patience more and more and it is because I can not do it alone but everything that I try and do and have done ends up being wrong in the eyes of others. You know Frank Sinatra sang My Way and he lived that song and the more I listen to it the more I understand why he did things his way. Because he knew that they would get done the correct way but, how are you suppose to do things the correct way when you are so confused as to what is going on you have no idea where to begin!! I need to learn more patience but also I need to learn how to take control of a situation and keep it under control. I have always thought of myself as assertive but, I think that I am going to have to step it up a level or two just so I can remain lucid. Some would say have a nice stiff drink at the end of the day but a glass of wine is where I draw the line. The one thing that I am struggling with now is the doubt that is being placed in my head by others. I just must keep reminding myself that I know fashion and what women want. I must follow my instinct and trust it and God and the rest is already determined. It is just getting to a point where I can say we are finished and we did a great job. I will take it from here. When I can say that out loud with all of my heart. That will be the day that I will be able to sleep a full night's sleep. I have a feeling it is just around the corner. But, it is a slow long road out of hell to that day. It just is making me stronger.

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