Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Little Glimpse

Silence prevailed over the sleepy town. Ghosts of people from the past haunt the walls of the quiet building. Shut away behind four walls away from the rest of the world. A place that is quite charming inside but, at the same time the paradise is also a prison. The guards keep you in this place for hours at a time. You can not leave not even for a few minutes or with the sound of an I-Phone someone demands that you return. Not even for the sake of your health are you allowed to leave and all the time you spend in this place you try not to lose your mind. Insanity creeps up on those who are not careful. Silence can be deadly. Waiting for the people to come waiting alone. It was not always like this once he was free. Once he could go and see his friends the good friends that he misses so much. You know people his own age that he used to be able to go and see and spend quality time with them. Not the friends of the darker days but the true friends. He is very fortunate to have several close friends near him and he loves them so but, sometimes he just wants to have fun. Is that a crime? Just like Charlie when addressing the angels always over a speaker never in person with the tone that you would use with a second grader he is told that he can not live like that anymore. That what he thinks is fun is not right. He is never right he can never win the debate. He will never be able to live up to the expectations that have been set for him. His past will always haunt him the things that he has fought so hard to keep away from him. The things that almost destroyed him are always thrown in his face. He tries he does but it is never good enough. He has forgotten how to have a good time and relax. New people are coming into his life and they are sent from above but still he always will be reaching for the level of perfection that only one person has achieved but he will never achieve it. That leaves the question should he try to continue to fight to reach that level. Or should he just accept himself for what he is and move on with his life? For death might take him should he try to reach that level of perfection which he hates so much. His heart is hurting. He cares yet he is told he does not. He appreciates yet he is told he does not know how to show it. He loves but he is told that he does not know how to show love. He is not perfect and never has claimed to be. Help yes he has gotten and is thankful. But still trapped in a place with four walls. As the silence grows even more cold he is the light that keeps it from consuming his soul. Although his heart is hurting he still holds a little hope for the future. Waiting for the day when he can break out of his prison. You know a person can only be told that they are failing at something so many times before they start to believe it. He is beginning to believe that he has amounted to nothing and his story has already been written. Will he ever make the guard proud? Will it ever look at him with genuine eyes and have a normal adult conversation and say, "I am proud of you" and mean it. Behind a fake plastic cover lies a very scared and anti social person who does really not know how to communicate to other people. The guards mask is that of perfection. Sometimes he dreams of shattering that mask. But without it the guard would be naked emotionally. Lost in a world that has grown up around the guard. He dreams of shattering the mask....everyday of his life.