Friday, October 16, 2009

25 Years Later and a Day

Well my 25th Birthday turned out to be a great one. A great big thank you to all of those people who have wished me happy birthday!! Thank you so much for caring. You know I was at the Vineyard today and I took a friend who did not frequent the winery like I did and in fact she had never been before and I was not surprised at how she had not fully understood that the winery is a place that local people can enjoy and should enjoy. I mean what is so harmful in getting off of work and going for a glass of wine or two? I am not promoting drinking and driving and always drink in moderation but the locals need to support the vineyard!! You know they have the Second Saturday Singing events that are going on and this continues to be a hot topic because I follow the crowds that attend and based on word of mouth comes the attraction. I would recommend it based on who is playing but, I would also recommend it based on the fact that it is a very cultural thing to do in this town that is so small and lacks in entertainment. Who knows perhaps in the near future there will be an act that everyone will want to go and see but what will that act need to be? Will it take a local act to get the people to come out? Will it take country or some other type of music. I will be interested to see in the next months how this plays out. You know having Public Relations experience and being given the gift of gab I know how to promote events when they are good events and I am saddened that more did not go to the last one but, the next event. The next Second Saturday in November let's ambush the place!!! I know I will more than likely get a table. So lets all get tables and have a table inside but, have the freedom to also enjoy the outside fireplace that reminds me of Dallas. Yes, this is in Comanche. I was also told today that my blog is very truthful. Well if there is one thing I pride myself in is telling the truth. I am a straight shooter and I will not compromise that for anyone. I do not care who the person is or what there last name is I will tell the truth. If you are rude you will be called out. If you do something that is worthy of being talked about you will not be named but I will mention it in this blog. From someone who has been talked about for years I know that if you are not talked about you are forgotten. But also I know that if you are going to spread news spread facts. I would be watching for developments in the areas of the downtown portion of town I sense that something might change. You know right now we have a mayor that I personally do not care for. He will not be mentioned by name but, I feel as though he is trying to take over aspects of this town that he feels that he needs to control. I hope that someone will run against him in the next election as I would of thrown my name on the ballot if I had known he was running unopposed. I would of lost but, hey I would of tried. Also, I heard that a very wealthy man who is a jerk might of told off or got into a heated argument with a very nice and respected women in this community. I hope this is not true because, the man I am referring to shall be named as MP and he is nothing but a jack ass that has no respect for women. I hope this story is not true. I must withhold names as it is out of respect. But, I am sure you will hear the story around. That my friends is Bullshit and that is why I think it is time for a woman to be elected to the Bench of the District Judge position.

That is all have a great weekend


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Bench Will Be Empty

We need to find or come up with some ideas of a person to replace Judge Morgan. I personally would like to find a woman to run I think it is time for a woman on the bench but, that is my opinion and I am sure that there are those that would not like a woman in that position of power. Mr Mayor Whoops!! Anyways, we do not to let the person running from Meridan to win because do you know what that means for all of the people who work for Judge Morgan. I am guessing that they are either going to be asked if they would like to relocate or they might lose their jobs because every office that belongs to the District would move from Comanche. Now I do not know about you but, with my luck and it is a long shot in hell but, I would be summoned for Jury duty and I would have to be in Meridan at the crack of Dawn and I would not be a happy camper and neither would you. So shoot some ideas out, does not matter the political party as long as we keep the District Judge in Comanche. I do believe the County Judge feels the same way. I do not want anyone to have to move or to lose their jobs. They are good at what they do and lets keep them here!! I was kind of thinking about the woman that is a member of the Chamber that works with Jim Parker but, I don't know. I will be running for Democratic County Chair this coming march and some may be on the other side but, I was emailed a book on recruiting local possible runners. But, I would never tell someone what ticket to run under that is not my place but, I would go and talk to anyone you know me. I have never tried to convince someone to run for District Judge but, you have to be an Attorney that is the law they changed the rules years ago so, that limits our options. I could convince and sell a ketchup ice cream cone to a woman in white gloves I think I was given the gift of something. But we need to find someone and I think a woman would be great!! Any suggestions? All three of my followers!! I am going to name you after the Three Good Faries: Flora, Fauna and Merryweither.

Lupe Alto!! Put That Fur Coat Down!!

Well it is almost midnight and I just finished my Research Methods test. I think I did very well and now at this late hour I am taking a break and going to blog. I have to pick up my house a little tonight because tomorrow I have to cram for my Spanish final that is on Thursday. Happy freakin birthday to me. What boggles me is that is we (Americans) go to another country like France, Spain, Germany even Mexico we give the respect to them of trying to speak their language although many times it comes across wrong but, we do give them that respect. Now being Hispanic or well being brown I will not say I am Hispanic because I think that I look more European and before the nose job I looked like an Arab but, I find it funny that I have to learn Spanish and have no choice when it comes to getting my degree. Yet, many people who speak Spanish that I run into can speak English but refuse to they speak Spanish to me like I am some kind of jaded son of a bitch. I speak English right back because I know that they know it or the would not of been able to buy the Lincon Navigator that they are driving and I know that the forms at the Government Aid offices are in English and they read those perfectly fine so my tax dollars can pay for their food. When I make too much not having a job and going to college and even if I wanted it I do not qualify for anything because I am not illegal and do not have a child. Now, we are America the land of dreams but, I think it is time that we are shown just a little respect the kind of respect that we show when in other countries. Just learn English it can not be that hard regardless of what they say if your are able to purchase that lovely Chanel purse from Neiman's yet can not afford food. I have to speak and learn your language so you know what. Learn mine.

Now, you can see that being raised by a white family I have no clue about the Spanish language and it frustrates me because out of every language that I can speak and read including: Russian,Latin,German,French. It takes me thirty minutes to figure out what form of the verb I have to use in what context while trying to remember if it is a trick verb that does not change according to gender etc...It just does not come naturally.

If you have ever seen Greater Tuna I proclaim myself to be Vera Carp and proud of it.

Lupe Alto!!

So you can imagine the fun I had at the garage sale that my mother and her friend put on. Yep you would of thought that I was a fluent Spanish speaking American. But what is funny is that if I was fluent in the kind of Spanish I am learning they could not understand me because they have merged English and Spanish creating a hybrid of the two languages. Which just makes you feel lovely. A sentence ends up sounding like this...i.e. Dawson como esta I haven't seen you in so long we should really have Cosmos the next time you are uptown in Dallas Aidos!

God grant me the serenity. To accept the things I can not change and to find a way to change them..No Me Gusta!!

Once again...Lupe Alto!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Social Events in Comanche?


It seems now that the semester is in full swing I find myself up later and later each night working on homework as Graduation looms closer I find myself having to study harder which I think it is suppose to be a downhill slide from here on out but, I do things backwards usually. So there is no shock in this. We have seen September fly right by us as we are now almost to Mid-October. The Comanche County Pow Wow was a huge hit in Comanche this year. The entertainment, vendors and the crowds were all awesome. It could not have gone any better. Despite, only one act having to be taken to the Hospital for heat related issues everything else went great. It was hotter than the seventh circle of hell and I did lose ten pounds in two days but, all in all it was a fun weekend. Now, as Halloween draws closer I am really ready to get up to Dallas and celebrate my favorite time of the year. This year I will be a nun with some bling being exact replicas of Dorothy's Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz! Yes, as usual I am going to add a little twist to a very simple costume and I am no virgin but on to more important topics. We have a young man selling fresh veggies on the square in Comanche on Wednesdays and I find this great. I hear that his crops are really good and I can not wait to go and support this young man and his efforts.
I did attend the Second Saturday Singing at Brennan Vineyards this past Saturday and Darrel Dodd played for a crowd that I was kind of upset was not larger. Perhaps, the event was not publized enough or something went wrong in the Public Relations department but, this talented young man should of had a better crowd. I do feel that the young people feel kind of out of place at a Vineyard because the feel that they have to dress up and young men and women do not like to dress up unless they have to. I love to but I am different. But, if I felt like it I would go in holy jeans if I was in that kind of mood. People locally need to understand that the Vineyard has done so much for the local economy and Comanche is really blessed to have it. The Brennan's have not only stimulated the local economy and brought people to Comanche but, they took out some of the Ghetto!! They developed part of a run down eye sore in Comanche that needed something done to it and I am grateful for it. Now, if only we can get the code enforcer to hopefully get a land owner to mow their freakin grass across from the Vineyard. It is so high you could bail hay. Seriously, get it together and just mow. I do not understand why people just let their property just go and do nothing with it.

Back to DD and his performance. The event was a blast or I had a blast he is a very talented young man and he has a really awesome singing voice. I love music but, I am not crazy about Country Honky Tonk Music. Although, I do like the Classics I had no intentions of going but, some things happened and I changed my mind at the last minute. I am glad that I did in HRH fashion I made three new contacts. Two of them being DD and his girlfriend from Dallas it turns out he lives only blocks away from my favorite hotel in Dallas!! So I got the girlfriends number and next month when I am going out I shall give them a call and extend an invitation to the both of them. I think that they would be a blast to go out with. The food at this event was good although the menu remains the same it was good. I do not understand though why we must serve the food in a black take out box made by Hefty. To me it just looks kind of tacky but, no one asked me. A good sturdy black square paper plate would be just fine. It would give it a modern look and there would be no dishes to wash!! The highlight of the night though was well first, Dr. Brennan clued me in on the TWC that was available and that made the night so much better and during the intermission DD came and sat at our table and just started talking. It was really great to see a talented performer so down to earth just talking it up with people he did not even know. Our conversation would of gone on longer but, Patrick Dudley totally must of missed the manners course and the chapter on how it is very rude to intrrupt a very intense and active conversation between two people. Not only did he intrrupt he planted his ass in between us. I guess they are friends or Patrick knew him or something I do not know and there is another side to that. I could give a rat's ass. I know where he picked up those manners. But, that is another story no one ever intrrupts my conversations and never has like that except if there is an emergency or it is a polite intruption and usually the third party ends up getting involved in our conversation. But, after I returned from my social smoke break and discussion a controversal sermon that had some people in an uproar DD did make a point to introduce me to his girlfriend. Quite an introduction it went like this, "You have to meet Dawson he is awesome!" Granted I had only met him for roughly fifteen mins yet at least he found me entertaining and fun. I must still have it!! Even though I am approaching my Twenty Fifth birthday on Thursday I will forge ahead as though it is just another year. No big deal. I do not look my age and I do get carded for alcohol and cigarettes still so my plastic surgon must of done something right!!! Anyways, I must get back to studying I will try and update this blog every time something happens in Comanche that is of some interest. In the upcoming months we will be having a Country Christmas in Comanche and Melinda Megna and I have been named Co-Coordinators of The Miss Comanche County Pageant so there will be plenty of things to talk about!!! Until next time, keep your head up friends and never let anyone tell you the person you should be!! Although this is a small town progress has been made and we are moving in the direction of change!! We are changing it might take some time but, at least there are things that are beginning to change. Keep an open mind and keep reading this blog for a bite of the liberal outspoken HRH JDH!!
