Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State of the Union

Yes, tonight all of the news networks are buzzing. You can turn on Fox News and hear the fair and balanced news. I say that with the fair and balanced scale tipping to the right. Or, you can watch CNN and hear both sides and see Anderson Cooper in Haiti. You can turn on MSNBC and just listen to people talking. I prefer CNN but that is just me. I found the speech very uplifting. Yes, people think that the president is a huge failure already and he has not done anything but, he did address some major issues tonight. The one point I would like to make is that regardless if you are a Democrat or a Republican if you are elected to an office you should do your duty and represent all of the people that you serve. Like our Representative Conaway and the hate he came to Comanche preaching. How we should call friends in other states and have them call their Senators to tell them to vote no on the Health Care Bill. That solves nothing. What really turned me off was when I asked him a question and he lost his temper. It was just a simple question.."If you could of changed something in the bill what would it of been?" It is not like I called him out on some major issue that he has not addressed. I should of asked why he is not looking at the bills he votes on not as a Democratic bill or Republican bill but as a plain bill. I guess that many that approach Washington and are elected to positions like that are partial and vote party lines but, I would like to see someone who would for once just vote based on his or her belief. Like Kay Bailey who said that she was Pro-Choice. Perhaps that is not what Republicans want to hear but props to her for at least going against the grain. I will not vote in the Republican primary but, if I did I would not vote for her nor Pretty Boy Perry. I hope he wins though because that means we might have a Democratic governor in Texas!! I would vote for the third woman who was so straight and to the point during the debate it was just great. Tonight's speech I felt was needed it was needed to reaffirm that the president inherited many problems that we are faced with now and yes there has been improvement. But, change takes time. It does not happen overnight turning around an economy that has been falling for eight years. As he said we had a surplus in 2000 and when he walked in the door the deficit was the highest in history. Yes he has added to it but, he did mention how he would pay for it. He is proposing very strong and interesting actions but, if we can just get past party lines and work as Americans I feel that these actions can be done.

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